Alexander Kachkaev catch · ka ′ yev

Visual data scientist and software architect. PhD in GIS (giCentre, City University London). Originally from Russia, moved to London in 2009.

Alexander Kachkaev

City Research Online

13 papers including the doctoral thesis


425 connections


74 public repositories including this website


1,661 map edits and 230 gps traces (mainly around Penza and London)


518 tweets in English and 274 in Russian


428 photos

SOTM2013, day 2 – ‘Putting the Carto into OpenStreetMap Cartography’ by Andy AllanRoger Beecham (giCentre, City University London): Classifying travel behaviour within a large-scale, origin-destination dataset: developing a Visual Analytics approachВторая пензенская картовечеринка // Second mapping party in Penza, RussiaPedestrian Guard Rail Removal noticeIain Dillingham (giCentre, City University London): Visualizing the Geographies of the Haiti Crisis MapТретья пензенская картовечеринка // Third mapping party in Penza, RussiaOSM London pub meetup at Ye Olde Cheshire CheeseAidan Slingsby (giCentre, City University London): An Exploratory Interface to Public Data for CitizensIlya Birman’s Rectilinear diagram for Moscow Metro suddenly appears on Mark Ovenden’s lecture slide
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